
Дом „Срце у јабуци“ је установа социјалне заштите смештена у селу Јабука поред Панчева и простире се на површини од два хектара. Основан је 1949.године као дом за смештај деце са сметњама у менталном развоју. У прво време је био дом за мушку децу и омладину и имао је два одељења у Крушедолу и Врднику. Када се отворио дом у Ветернику ова одељења су пресељена. Дом у Јабуци постаје самостална установа а 1993. године на смештај прима и прве девојке. Од 17.04.2002. год. Аутономна Покрајина Војводина  је преузела права и обавезе оснивача над овом Установом. 

Residential institution for adults and elderly with  mental disorder

 “Srce u jabuci” Jabuka,Serbia

RI exists since 1949. and covers an area of two hectares.From 17.04.2002 The autonomous Province of Vojvodina took over the rights and obligations of the founders of this institution. The Institution provides care for 187 beneficiaries, of which 32 are using the service “Living with support“ in six houses in the village Jabuka  and two apartments in Novi Sad. 62 employees take care of the beneficiaries.

Most activities of the RI are group activities. 87 health and social care with housing. 20 social care in the establishments accommodation.

Along with “Living with  support“  RI  has an established service “Day care center “ and the service   “ Breather “  funded by the local government of the city of Pancevo .

In the framework of  RI are:

-Department of  Health and care

-Service for educational and productive work

-Department of common affairs

-Service agricultural production activities

-Department  of Economic and Financial Affairs

Agricultural farm owned by institutions is very specific to user engagement. The institution has 80 hectares of arable land on which to grow grains, vegetables, chickens, pigs and cattle.

More detailed information about  the terms of admission and accomodation,about plans for development and history of this instittution can be found at the above web address.



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